A State College, Pennsylvania engagement on a perfect spring evening.
After a chilly spring, it was a GLORIOUS evening for a State College, Pennsylvania engagement session. The golden sun came out to warm us at just the right times. Freshly cut grass and springtime blooms scented the air. As we walked along the path through their neighborhood, we got to listen to the birds chirping…and a surprising number of rabbits sneaked a glace at us before darting back into the thick brush.

Kate and Greg are both counselors and both practice mindfulness on a regular basis, Greg in particular, so it was an added bonus that we got to experience the best of the nature behind their home on Teaberry Lane.

Love feels like home.
Home is obviously a big deal to them. Home is how their relationship started, and home is where it became a forever deal.

Both were community assistants (similar to RA’s) in their dorm rooms in college when they met. After becoming friends, they began dating, and then one day Greg enlisted the help of one of his closest friends, Steve, and his wife, Kaila (one of Kate’s closest friends). Greg and Steve decorated their apartment and filled it full of flowers while Kaila took Kate out for Starbucks and Target. When she returned and walked in the door, Greg was down on one knee. Love surely does feel like home!

A love for culture and for food.
As we walked and chatted the evening of their session, we talked about food. (Surprised?) Greg is a big fan of cooking. I mean, OBVIOUSLY we can relate. Someday he wants to get into smoking meat…and well…let the grilling conversations begin, because if you know Adam, you KNOW he spends as much time as he can with his beloved Weber Summit, or his OTHER favorite grill, the PK. (Don’t ask me how many grills we’ve had.) And apparently Kate makes delicious pho (drool, please teach us Kate!). These two were even all geared up to go to Adam’s favorite State College restaurant after the session: Cozy Thai. I’m surprised Adam didn’t invite himself along. Lol.

Kate and Greg, you two are something really wonderful. Your love of other cultures (and their food!) fits perfectly with who you are, how you interact with people, and your personal practices of mindfulness. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with you and we are SO excited for what will be your gorgeous December wedding at General Potter Farm! Also, any time you want to try some Korean BBQ or teach us how to make pho…you know we’ll be there. 😉

If you liked this State College, Pennsylvania engagement session, take a look at some of our other recent sessions: