Around New Year’s Day, nearly everyone comes up with resolutions or goals as they begin again with a clean slate. Goal setting is a hopeful thing because it enables us to improve ourselves. But, sometimes we lose focus and our goals fizzle out. We’ve all been there – we’re at the gym 3 days a week until about mid February and then it’s too cold to go anywhere. And once March comes around it’s getting warmer so I can just go for a jog outside! Or perhaps we’re getting behind on our reading because life happens. Maybe you’re getting tired of kale smoothies and return to the much more enjoyable bowl of Cherry Garcia (or my favorite, Peachy Paterno from the Penn State Creamery!). I don’t blame you!

How’s your reading list going so far this year?
We decided to hold off on an early year post about goals so we could encourage you to stay the course! Maybe you need to refocus your efforts to accomplish something awesome this year. I know I need to do that!
Here are some of our business goals for the year:
- shoot at least ten weddings (almost there!)
- increase our business income by $12,000…we’re definitely not there yet, but we’ll have to see where we end up at the end of the year!
- develop our systems so that we have a framework to grow our business
- grow our online following through social media and email communication…this process makes me impatient!
Here are some personal goals of mine:
- read 12 books (6 fiction, 6 business related) this year…I’ve read way more in years past, but I’ve had a hard time finding time to read with two kiddos running around all the time. So far, I’m on pace!
- I’m mixing business and personal here, but I want to pray for my clients every week…so far so good, and this is a really fun one! I’m excited to be engaged with all of my clients in this way and I hope it blesses them in some way!
- Exercise for 30 minutes 2x/week – this is an embarrassing goal for me: I used to run every day – 50 miles a week, but I’m far from that and out of shape. I need to build up to that but fear I don’t have the time if I’m being honest. But physical fitness is really important so I want to be intentional about it
- Get wake up early before kids wake up so I can try to achieve my goals – read, exercise, emotionally and spiritually recharge – those things. I have absolutely FAILED at this! I get up early MAYBE once per week…that definitely needs to change.
What are your goals? How are you doing with them? If things are good, then great! Keep pressing on! If things are bad, that’s ok! Give yourself some grace, refocus, and keep pressing on! If you’ve accomplished your goals already for 2018, then you are a superhero! In the meantime, set some new goals and keep pressing on! We’d love to hear your stories!